Certains experts recommandent de faire un minimum de 10 000 pas par jour pour garder la forme. Avez-vous déjà essayé d’en faire autant? J’ai emprunté un podomètre cette semaine au CAFE-La Passerelle pour tenter de relever le défi – ou du moins pour voir si une maman a la maison qui court après deux enfants toute la journée arrive au nombre magique tout naturellement. Hélas, non! Je me suis convaincu plusieurs fois que le fameux podomètre était défectueux ou que je ne le portais pas de la bonne façon, mais après plusieurs vérifications, il semble qu’il fonctionne très bien. C’est moi. Je fais au plus, dans une journée normale (sans activités physiques planifiées), environ 3500 pas. Hmmf.
En fait, marcher 10 000 pas c’est marcher environ 8 kilomètres. Pas facile d’incorporer ça chaque jour! Mais moi et mon podomètre nous allons persévérer et je vous en reparle.
Some experts recommend doing 10,000 steps every day to keep in shape. Have you ever tried this? I borrowed a pedometer this week from CAFE-La Passerelle to try out this challenge – or at least figure out if a stay-at-home mom running after two kids all day would arrive at the magic number, naturally.
Well, no. One does not come to it naturally. I convinced myself many times that the pedometer was broken or that I wasn’t wearing it the right way. But after multiple tests, it does look like the pedometer works just fine. It’s me. I seem to walk an average of 3,500 steps in a day (without any planned physical activities). Hmmf.
In reality, walking 10,000 steps is walking about 8 kilometers. Not easy incorporating this into your day, every day! But my pedometer and I are resolute and I’ll get back to you on this not-so-little challenge.
5 commentaires:
My understanding is that the "10,000" is not based on any scientific principles; rather, it was a notion that emerged in Japan, those lovers of order and even numbers.
Still, even if 10,000 is not necessarily the "ideal" number of steps to take in a day, clearly most people don't take that number of steps, and any extra amount of activity is a good thing.
Good luck! :) (You're so lucky that your pedometer has such resolve. Mine was always rather lazy.)
I'm shocked that us stay at homes don't make more steps, since we are running after kids all day! I swear it's only during mealtimes that I actually sit, and even then I am up and down for things! And what about all those lunges we do, from getting down and up from being on the floor? One would think that counts for something? Maybe add 100 steps for every time one has to bend down to pick up a kid?! And, maybe one should also add 200 steps every time one has to get 2 kids into snow gear to leave the house on your own. At that rate, we FAR exceed the 10 000 steps!
Would Doug ever strap on that pedometer for a few days? It would be interesting to know his number of steps, to see how 3500 steps compares. After him, maybe I'll strap it on?!
I totally agree with you Fawn. It's unrealistic to achieve this number EVERY day and to do so really sets people up for failure.
Recommending people to do a minimum of 30 minutes of physical activity a day is a way more realistic goal.
Et tu penserais qu'avec tout ce travail physique que l'on fait toute la journee a la maison, nous pourrions perdre cet excess de poids!
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