Un défi santé pour la Saskatchewan - A health challenge for Saskatchewan

Un défi santé pour la Saskatchewan - A health challenge for Saskatchewan

vendredi 11 février 2011

Ponteix: le village le plus actif en Saskatchewan

Je reviens tout juste d’une fabuleuse journée de plein air passée à Ponteix. Et d’après ce que j’ai vu hier, cette petite communauté de 550 habitants doit être le village le plus actif en Saskatchewan!

L’école Boréale tenait hier, un carnaval d’hiver en mouvement. Parents, enseignants, ainées et élèves ont fait ensemble du curling, du patinage, de la glissade, de la sculpture de neige, en plus de courses de traîneaux et de raquettes. Mais ça ne s’est pas arrêté là! Une vingtaine d’entre eux sont revenus au centre culturel après le souper pour une randonnée en raquettes dans le boisé.

J’ai été impressionnée par l’énergie des jeunes comme celle des adultes et je suis motivée plus que jamais maintenant à suivre leur exemple. Bravo les gens du sud-ouest!

Et votre communauté? Est-elle aussi active?

I’ve just come back from a wonderful day spent out-of-doors in Ponteix. And after what I witnessed there yesterday, this little village of 550 people has to be the most active village in Saskatchewan!

Yesterday, l’école Boréale held its winter carnival. Parents, teachers, elders, and students curled, skated, went sledding, made snow sculptures, and participated in toboggan and snowshoe races. But it did not end there! Some 20 of them came back to the cultural center after supper to go on a snowshoe hike in the woods.

I was so impressed by the stamina of these youths and the adults too and I’m motivated more than ever to follow their lead. South-western folk, here’s to you!

How'bout your community? It is just as active?

3 commentaires:

Matt, Kara, Hunter and Cavan a dit...

We have a curling rink in town, but not enough money to have it running. But we have a nice arena that gets a lot of use. We are very lucky to have so many recreational opportunities in our small town as well!

Geneviève a dit...

Welcome to the challenge Kara and family!

Everyone, Kara is also from a little community. This one however, is way up in the Yukon, and it's called Faro. She and her family have joined our health challenge to get some motivation this month to keep moving and eat better. Over the last year, she has lost an amazing 50 pounds by simply adopting healthy habits! Check out her blog to see what it's like to live in the land of the midnight sun!

Geneviève a dit...

Le blogue de Kara: http://wenttofaro.blogspot.com/