Un défi santé pour la Saskatchewan - A health challenge for Saskatchewan

Un défi santé pour la Saskatchewan - A health challenge for Saskatchewan

jeudi 18 février 2010

#28: Mini-golf

Market Mall est un de ces centres d’achats à moyenne surface qui a première vue, on se demande comment il peut demeurer viable de nos jours. Et puis, on réalise qu’il est côtoyé par des centaines de gens âgés toute la journée, qui proviennent des appartements adjacents. Il y a aussi les jeunes familles qui y trouvent leur compte dans une aire de jeu, un petit musée pour enfants, et un…mini-golf. Le centre d’achat est en fait plus qu’un endroit pour magasiner, c’est un de ces rares espaces intérieurs qui favorise l’esprit de communauté.

Market Mall is one of those medium surface shopping centers that make you wonder - at first glance, how they can stay in business these days with all of the big box stores around. Then you notice that there are seniors there all day, coming from the nearby apartment buildings. And there are the families that frequent the play area, the little childrens' museum and ...the mini-golf. The mall is actually more than a shopping area, it's one of those rare interior spaces that promote the well-being of a community.

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit...

I couldn't agree with you more about Market Mall, it was very nicely written. In 3 years I have seen first hand how many stores have come and gone, and its so sad, yet at the same time, there is a fair amount of things to do....plus Lucy's Cut and Sew is a little gem that I have found there! You didn't mention the fish pond or the fake dog that sits next to the fish....they are both must-visit places when we go to market mall! Plus, you and I met at Market Mall, so its a super cool place all-around.